DB2 V10.5 PureScale支持HADR
PureScale是DB2 V9.8引入的share disk的集群解决方案。而HADR则是DB2的V8版本就已经存在的灾备解决方案。
在v10.5之前, PureScale不支持HADR。但是从10.5开始。PureScale开始支持HADR。
IBM® DB2® pureScale® Feature was originally introduced in Version 9.8. DB2 Version 10.5 continues to build on DB2 pureScale Feature support....In addition, V10.5 introduces HADR support in a DB2 pureScale environment and leverages work load balancing.
Restrictions for HADR in DB2 pureScale environments
* There are a number of restrictions that you should be aware of if you are planning to deploy HADR in a DB2® pureScale® environment.* The restrictions are as follows:* The HADR synchronization modes SYNC and NEARSYNC are not supported. You must specify either the ASYNC or SUPERASYNC option for the hadr_syncmode configuration parameter.* A peer window is not supported because it requires either SYNC or NEARSYNC to be the synchronization mode.* You cannot have more than one HADR standby database.* The topology of the primary and the standby must be synchronized. If you add a member on the primary, that operation is replayed on the standby. If you drop a member on the primary, you must reinitialize the standby by using a backup or a split mirror from the primary's new topology.* The reads on standby feature is not supported.* You cannot use the integrated cluster manager, IBM® Tivoli® System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP), to manage automated failover; it manages high availability within the local cluster only.* Network address translation (NAT) between the primary and standby sites is not supported.